About Us



Welcome to PostTogether—your ultimate destination for impactful article and PR submissions. Since our launch in 2011, PostTogether has evolved as the go-to platform for businesses, brands, and thought leaders to amplify their stories and reach the right audience. Our journey has been one of innovation and growth, from a major upgrade in 2016 to a powerful revamp in 2024, making us more efficient and user-friendly than ever.


With Purpose

PostTogether was created with a vision to bridge the gap between brands and their audience. We believe every story deserves a spotlight, and our platform makes it easy to share, promote, and drive engagement for your articles and PR content. Our user-centric interface allows quick submission, strategic targeting, and top-tier exposure—whether you’re looking to build authority, expand reach, or connect with new audiences.


Let's tell stories, build connections

We understand the changing needs of digital PR and content marketing. With tailored tools, dynamic analytics, and an expansive reach, PostTogether offers a unique blend of simplicity and power. We’re not just a platform; we’re a community that values stories and the impact they create.

Join us and become part of the journey!